Battle for the Hill Wiki

George Herbert Walker Bush is an American politician and former presidential candidate who has held cabinet positions in several Presidential administrations. He served as CIA Director throughout most of the Johnson Administration, Secretary of Commerce for the Desantis Administration, and Attorney General for the Ernest/Morrison Administration(s). Bush also served on the Supreme Court and chaired the Republican Study Committee.


Version VI[]

Bush joined BFTH in Version VI, serving briefly as the Republican Senator from Kentucky. Bush was considered for CIA Director in the Santiago Administration but was not given the position. Frustrated, Bush aligned himself with James Ernest before swapping to the Democratic Party and carpetbagging to Washington State to run for Governor. Bush served as CIA Director during the Johnson administration before swapping back to the GOP and being removed from the post. Bush was defeated in his re-election bid for Washington Governor and moved to Missouri to run for Governor. Around this time Bush launched a successful coup of the RSC, serving as RSC Chairman until the end of the iteration. Bush pulled out of the Governor race and endorsed Owen Hendricks, who later appointed Bush to a vacant Senate seat. Bush resigned his Senate seat shortly after being appointed to launch a campaign for New York Governor, a race he lost 55-45.

Version VII[]

Starting in North Carolina, Bush ran for the House of Representatives against Democrat Mary Hagan and was elected to the House with six seats to Hagan's seven on February 7th, 2023. Bush resigned his House seat on February 11th to be appointed to the Supreme Court by Civil Fox, a seat he was guaranteed after a deal made between James Ernest and Fox.

During his time in NC, Bush became Chair of the NC state party. Poor relations with other state party leaders ensued after a primary crisis in which he endorsed George W. Bush over the incumbent Class 2 Senator Glenn Kho. After launching two unsuccessful campaigns for NC Governor, Bush carpetbagged to Oregon. His stay in Oregon was brief, and after dying on the Supreme Court he mostly went inactive for the remainder of the iteration.

Version VIII[]

At some point in time, Bush was banned for doxing Chavez, a ban which was kept in place until Version X.

Version X[]

Bush was unbanned on September 3rd, 2023. He joined and started in Virginia, where he was appointed Lieutenant Governor by James Ernest.

Bush was Ernest’s running mate for president, and after Ernest won the election he was confirmed as Attorney General on September 10th, 2023. Bush was also made House Majority Whip that day. Bush served as Attorney General for the remainder of the Ernest and Morrison's presidencies, and held onto the House Whip position until his retirement for the iteration.

Bush campaigned for President in mid-September. The primary was close, and though Bush was the early frontrunner, he only narrowly garnered the nomination. After being nominated he lost the general election in a landslide and retired for the remainder of the iteration.

Version X.5[]

Bush rejoined BFTH a day into the iteration. Reunited with Ernest, who at this point was chair of the RSC, Bush was appointed to the RNC to represent the Study Committee. Throughout this time Bush became more aligned with party leadership, being appointed Deputy Director of War. When the RSC began to primary incumbent politicians that opposed them, Bush spoke against it but never attacked Ernest directly. Bush was alerted prior to the purging of the RSC from the party and joined the Tea Party Caucus where he was able to maintain his RNC seat for an extended period of time.

Political positions[]

Bush has displayed both fiscally and socially conservative stances, opposing increased government and supporting large tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. Early into his political career he advocated for cutting the corporate tax rate substantially, but his attempts were unsuccessful. His views did not change during his time in the Democratic party, and he refrained from actively participating in legislation during this period for fear of becoming a target of Democratic party leadership.

Bush is very hawkish on foreign policy, a self proclaimed "neocon", and advocates for increased foreign intervention. He attempted unsuccessfully to launch an invasion of Iraq.
